Owls Stare at Paintings' Busted Eyeballs, Pierogi Gallery
Owls Stare at Painting's Busted Eyeballs Pierogi Gallery Installation
In Here Ort Out There2019Polymer, Pigment,Vinyl 45 on Canvas
80x84"Private collection
Dark Horse2019Pigment, polymer, paper on canvas
60x70"Courtesy Pierogi Gallery
Green and Black Bubble Up2019Pigment, Polymer on Wasli paper
24x30"Private collection
In Here or Out There Study2019Pigment, Polymer on paper on canvas
32x20"Private Collection
Another You2018Pigment, Ink, Polymer on Paper on Canvas.
30x40"Private collection
After Cosmicomic2019Pigment, Polymer, on paper on canvas
24x20"Private Collection
Pigment, Polymer on canvas
T-Zero2018Pigment, Polymer on paper on canvas
18x25"Available Pierogi Gallery
Owls Stare at Painting's Busted Eyeballs Pierogi Gallery Installation2019Studio-in-gallery, painting storage, family furniture, art
Pierogi InstallationStudio walls, with Ernest Horvath taboret
Studio-in-gallery, painting storage, family furniture, art